Clear-Traction is fast curing OSHA compliance safety floor system for use in very greasy, messy or wet slippery conditions. Clear-Traction can be used on cement, wood, tile and metal surfaces. Just clean the surface with Earth Formula and apply the Clear-Traction. Clear-Traction dries in 6 to 8 hours to a raised abrasive surface similar to see through sandpaper.

High-Traction is fast curing OSHA compliance safety floor system for use in very greasy, messy or wet slippery conditions. It is a 100% solids epoxy and can be used on cement, wood, tile and metal surfaces. Just clean the surface with Earth Formula and apply. High-Traction dries in 8 hours to a raised abrasive surface similar to sandpaper. It is available in clear, grey, tile red and OSHA yellow.

Pro Shine is a steel hard, mirror bright finish that’s totally slip resistant – the latest polymer technology combined with a shot of liquid zinc for super durability. Apply in 2 thin coats and mop as often as needed with our ENVIRO-PRO …. off comes dirt and scuff marks and the finish stays on the floor where it belongs.

Perma-Patch is a 100% solid epoxy patching and resurfacing system designed for concrete. Perma-Patch is like welding your cement together because it forms a permanent molecular bond action and becomes part of the concrete. Ordinary patching and resurfacing compounds just lie on the surface. Perma-Patch has a compressive strength of 18,000 pounds per square inch so it can handle your heaviest vehicular traffic. The split tensile strength is 2,500 pounds. Perma-Patch is fast, easy to use and permanent.

H2-Out is a thick gel epoxy compound made to make permanent repairs where water pressure is a problem. Perfect to repair manholes, tanks and underground vaults. Because of its thick consistency, H2-OUT can be used on vertical or overhead areas. H2-OUT bonds permanently to brick, stone, concrete and metal to repair any cracks or holes, even where infiltration is present.

Seal-It is a penetrating concrete sealer that goes deep into the pores of concrete and wood surfaces to form a permanent molecular bond. Seal-It is actually stronger than the concrete itself. It will prevent concrete dusting and cracking and will also make the concrete resistant to acids, alkalies, salts and grease. It gives a beautiful shining finish.

Kwik-Set is a unique and complete pre-mixed polyester mortar. Usage is simple even under the most extreme conditions. When mixed, Kwik-Set provides a high strength patching mortar which can be feather-edged. Kwik-Set can be used in areas with wide temperature ranges.